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Not Sure What’s on Your Skin, It Could Be a Fungal Infection

If you notice a rash on your skin that doesn’t look like contact dermatitis or hives, it could be a fungal infection. Not sure how to tell? Here’s what you need to know about fungal infections on your skin.

How to Identify a Fungal Infection

What Is a Fungal Infection?

A fungal skin infection, as the name suggests, is a skin disease caused by a fungus. Also called mycosis, these infections are quite common. There are millions of different types of fungi, after all, and they live almost everywhere. In fact, some fungi even live on your skin. Whether via environmental exposure or a skin imbalance, these fungi can sometimes lead to skin problems that look and behave similarly to skin rashes. Fungal infections can also happen anywhere on the body. Some of the most common fungal skin infections include athlete’s foot, jock itch, yeast infections, and ringworm. Let’s take a look at some of the most common symptoms that come with some of these fungal infections.

Athlete’s Foot

As the name suggests, this fungal skin infection most commonly forms on the feet. The fungi that cause this condition live on dead tissue — the hair, toenails, and outermost layers of your skin are the most common locations. And while symptoms of this infection can vary from person to person, some of the most common include blisters, itching or burning sensations, peeling and scaly skin on the feet, and skin that’s broken down. Athlete’s foot can also develop in a few different ways. The most common is interdigital, which occurs between the toes and can spread to the sole of the foot. Moccasin and vesicular Athlete’s Foot typically start on the sole and are less common.


You might think ringworm doesn’t sound like a fungal infection, but the truth is that this condition isn’t caused by a worm at all. In fact, it’s named for the shape of the rash, which looks like a ring with a raised, worm-like border. As you might have already guessed, the most obvious symptom of this fungal infection is its unique rash pattern. Ringworm can spread via direct contact with infected people or animals, so if you suspect you have ringworm it’s important to get treated right away and avoid contact with others. Fungal infection treatment for this condition involves topical antifungal medications. While it’s possible to use over-the-counter options, more severe cases will likely need prescription-strength treatments.

Yeast Infections

Yeast infections on the skin are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus candida. Fortunately, they’re not contagious. Yeast infections most commonly occur in warm, moist parts of the body. That means areas like your underarms and groin are susceptible to this fungal skin infection. The most common fungal infection symptoms for this condition on your skin include patches that ooze clear liquid, itching and burning sensations, and pimple-like bumps. Medicated topical creams are typically used to treat yeast infections on the skin. More severe cases may require anti-yeast medications that are taken orally.

Fungal skin infections are no joke. If you notice any of these symptoms on your skin and you need answers, contact Dermatology of Cape Cod to consult with one of our doctors today.

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